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Screen Rant Comicsさんのイラストまとめ

The latest comic book news and features from the @ScreenRant Comics Team.

フォロー数:109 フォロワー数:1020

The DCEU's Flash film is delayed until 2023... but the tie-in comic isn't, spoiling huge plot points nearly a year before the film releases. The good news? Flash's ludicrously powerful Infinite Mass Punch is film canon.

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In a world where Bruce Wayne's parents never died, Nightwing is the creator of the Batman identity, becoming a cold-blooded killer as Joker turns Gotham into a hellscape even the Justice League can't survive.

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Amazing Fantasy confirms it's no accident that things always go wrong for Spider-Man, as the Web-Spinner is told, "You put yourself in the center of the storm every day, Peter... So complaining about the wind won't do you any good."

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Wolverine has many iconic villains, but Marvel keeps wasting what should be his best: Romulus. A 'lupine' mutant who commands a secret network, Romulus is the controlling force behind much of life, even raising his son as an assassin.

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Jean Grey is facing cosmic judgment for her time as the Dark Phoenix. Jean recently hit the landmark of saving more people than the Phoenix killed in her name, but will Marvel's new Celestial think this is enough to spare her?

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The heroic Doctor Light doesn't get enough credit as a powerful Justice League hero, and her powers are being wasted by not pairing her with Superman. Light's photokinetic powers make her the ideal partner for the solar-powered Man of Steel.

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In today's All-Out Avengers the team are facing down a corrupted Captain Marvel. However, powerful as Carol may be, Captain America has a plan to stop his fellow Captain in her tracks.

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Flash has always used his speed to help people, but his powers can literally save lives by giving others rapid healing. Flash can lend out his speed to increase the rate of chemical and biological reactions, gifting other people superspeed healing.

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Usagi Yojimbo - 's wandering samurai rabbit - is on the move again, as announces its new Dogu Publishing imprint intended to expand the character's universe with new stories and act as a home for young and emerging creators.

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Marvel's various versions of Ant-Man are uniting across time and space, with the gathering taking place just in time to stop Eric O'Grady - Marvel's most despicable hero - from digging up Scott Lang's grave to steal his costume.

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