

フォロー数:207 フォロワー数:23010

Sam knows everything about you.

2 96



Mortal glimpse at Cthulhu

124 1095

‘November 1st’

I had to recreate this iconic image!!

15 95

Everybody out here justifying why Morbius wouldn’t say “It’s Morbin Time” for the meme when they forget that Marvel Zombies exists and he calls himself a fucking Vambie

27 124

If I were to ever do a movie, you’d bet your ass I’d try my damndest to recreate this piece as an actual scene. No cutaways, no sudden weird angles. Just an uncomfortable look at grizzly horror just as the climax hits

46 398

or tentacle-like appendages that slither from their chest cavities to ensnare, impale and rip a part prey. Their fleshy legs would often be stripped away from one another in favor of robotic ones, as these legs would not temporarily fail on them due to their constant recycled—

1 28

influence, being corrupted and turned into permanently immortal undead beasts at the tentacled grasp of the voided beings after attempting to stop these gods from consuming known reality. While still despising their corrupters, they’ve turned their sights to fresh meat—

6 31