

I don’t think I’ll be posting anything here anymore, I now post them on Tiktok and Instagram. Feel free to check them out 👍

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I saw the Twitter trend with the wormhouse/wormphibia. So I thought it would be funny to make the characters from the original poster of theowlhouse into worms just for the sake of jokes.
The background is not mine design!
(Original is on second slide)

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Beta Lumity
It’s been a while…

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Going back to what Luz said when she told Amity that she wanted to have a future with her. Well knowing that the owl house season 3 is gonna be short. I still hope they have enough time to make a few trips before the end of their journey. 😞

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SPOILERS! “King’s Tide

This guy just really can’t make promises at all.

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Omg this episode melted my heart out
YOU GET IT GIRLS! (I waited for this moment for far too long and it finally happened. UUUGH ITS SO A-DORK-ABLE!!! 💗💗💗

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they're so grown up!

I hate to say farewell, but Goodbye Amphibia you will be
miss… 😭🤧


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I’m afraid of believing this theory coming to a reality.

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I admire the spider-Anne AU, but because of school work I couldn't do it, but I REFUSE!!! To let that
stand in my way to pay my respects to these fabulous characters. Thankfully I made it just in time. Congratulations
for your 2k followers!

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Think of this… what if amphibia is in security breach? AU?
Just an idea.

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