

TL Normann /🇳🇴 Illustrator & comic book artist.

Published books: Katten og Kråka (Überpress 2021)
Sidequest Lik og del (Egmont 2023)

フォロー数:219 フォロワー数:1189

Sketchin some crows

271 1416

Another version of yours truly. SMALLER AND SMELLIER.

p̵͕̔ű̷̯t̵̫͘ ̴̫̒í̴̖t̵͔͠ ̷̩̔i̷̳̊n̴̹̊ ̷̣͒t̶̟̏ḩ̸̊è̶̢ ̷̼̈́t̵̖̾r̴̯̉a̸̺̐s̸̠̈́h̶̖̋

10 99

I couldn't stop yawning while drawing this lol

13 93

I also really suck at *checks note* everything.

64 252

If I had a lawn, I'd tell you to get OFF IT.

Sorry this comic is late, I had a rough week and bad case of the art block.

10 60

I learned how to turn an image into a cross stitch pattern. Too much power to have.

18 101

A late birthday giftu for 🥳

6 33

Annoying big sister

26 257

A horror story.

Nisse Part 3

1 24