Sean Nittner (Inactive Account)さんのプロフィール画像

Sean Nittner (Inactive Account)さんのイラストまとめ

He/him. Director of projects for @EvilHatOfficial and former Steward of @bigbadcon.

フォロー数:582 フォロワー数:4416

We've been toiling at this for months, I'm so excited to announce will be returning this year October 27-30 at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco.

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Apocalypse Keys by .

Editing complete. Internal art direction, proofing, and indexing underway! And we have a new cover with art from is complete!

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Apocalypse Keys by is wrapping up layout now. We have some of the art in and more is being ordered soon. Indexing is underway. This book is going to be amazing.

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Apocalypse Keys by . just finished editing, and she's adding markup now!

Cover art by and playbook art by is underway now, with art direction by !

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Fate of Umdaar by , Helena Real, and

completed the first editing pass and Dave is making revisions now!

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Fate of Cthulhu Stretch goals are coming out on next week (1/10). Get ready for:

Yig by
Yog-Sothoth by
Hastur by
Azathoth by
The Quiet by
Basilisk by

8 14

Friends, we're in high gear putting the pieces of Big Bad Con online together. I'm so excited to share more soon!!!

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The Thirsty Sword Lesbians campaign module is out now!

Available as a pre-order on or directly on the Roll20 Marketplace:

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Thirsty Sword Lesbians by is at the printer!

Also - We've got the module ready for release this month!

Also - We're setting up now for pledge fulfillment and pre-orders. Also launching later in the month!

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Thirsty Sword Lesbians by

The art by Marty Tina G., Faith Schaffer, Ryan Kingdom, Kiku Hughes, Trivia Fox, Naomi Castro, Avery Andruszkiewicz, Kanesha C. Bryant, and Hannah Templer is complete!

is placing it into layout and then sending it to print!

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