

Postgraduate now in Central South University. Love cultural relics and take photos.📷

フォロー数:154 フォロワー数:845

Southern Song Dynasty
Collected in Shanghai Museum
Ps: 以工笔写生描写折枝蜀葵。蜀花以细线勾画,多层傅色,造型准确,形象生动传神。

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Chinese Madonna(Duplicate)
Collected in Field Museum of Natural History
唐寅款中国圣母图轴(复制品) / 1470-1524 / 美国芝加哥菲尔德自然历史博物馆藏
Ps: Here are some similarities between western Madonna(玛利亚) and eastern Guanyin(观音). 它融合圣母子与送子观音的题材。

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Flowers by Yun Bing
Qing Dynasty(1644-1912 AD)
Collected in Tianjin Museum
恽冰 摹徐崇嗣百花图卷 / 清 / 天津博物馆藏(帖1)

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Gathering of Auspicious Signs by Lang Shining
Yongzheng Reign. Qing(In 1725 Actually)
Collected in Shanghai Museum
郎世宁 聚瑞图轴 / 清雍正三年 / 上海博物馆藏
PS:台湾国立故宫博物院藏有类似藏品(Pic 3),落款雍正元年,是郎世宁现存纪年最早的作品。

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Leafwork Diadem
At The End of the 4th Centery BC
Collected in Florence National Archaeological Museum
金橄榄叶头饰 / 公元前4世纪末 / 佛罗伦萨国家考古博物馆藏

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