

Hello everyone, my name is Searlisabeth. She/her 🏳️‍🌈 FFXIV Enthusiast, Just some weirdo on the interwebz

フォロー数:269 フォロワー数:439

It's time to tackle some more competitive! Can we climb, or will we fall further down the ladder!?

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Early stream today! Let's see if afternoon competitive treats us well!

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All shall love us and despair!

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Let's see if we can climb some more! Solo queue Mercy, let's goooooo!

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Stream was pretty fun today, managed to climb around 120 Sr! Shame the last matches got quite toxic, but hey, that's Overwatch I guess. Thanks to everyone who tuned in and stuck around, your support was amazing! Lookin forward to tomorrow's stream <3
Goodnight everyone ❤️

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Going live, trying to get the main back to Masters ♥
Come fly with this Mercy ♥

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Proooouuuuuuddd! Keep it up Star!

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I kind of feel like we've hit rockbottom, in terms of SR gaining.. From a solid 3535 back into being a silly platpleb at 2975 SR. But, as my challenge said, every negative thought deserves three positive thoughts, so maybe tomorrow we can climb back to atleast Diamond again!

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