

Literally many people have a million things in their bios.

フォロー数:2340 フォロワー数:281

a big monster with diamonds.
Here you have Karock

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Aqui tienes a mi Oc Karol/Karock

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If you want.
Here is my Oc Karol/Karock and a Jekyll and Mr.Hyde style image

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If you want, here is my Oc Tiara

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Monstruo dices?.
Tengo la candidata perfecta
Mi Oc Karol/Karock

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Esta bien ten algo para colorear(y una referencia de los colores)solo alejate de la puerta!

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Why not try (although I think it's a little late)
She is Karol,Formerly known as a famous explorer who accidentally came into contact with a parasitic ruby ​​that lodged in her stomach, transforming her into a monster with incredible strength and resistance.

Now She is Karock

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Los unicos Oc's que tienen verde

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if you want here you have my oc Tiara

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