

I used to be one of the Alita TUNED AR Series 2 #6 then I try to be myself so I change into Sechs (German for “six”) #AlitaArmy #SechsArmy Me: @Jamoneo

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Easy I grow up watching so for me this is my favourite.

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Mmmm… 🤔… what kind of Alita & Erika are these two?

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I believe that you just made an unintentional cosplay of Nico Robin 😬

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Ok, I made it to chapter 1,000 of 1,037

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The 2nd intro of sucks 🙄

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I probably should start reading I know a 💩 about this…

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Who made this!!??? I love it!!! 😱😱😱😱😱

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And of course she is also the best!

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I finished with can't wait for the next chapter! 😬

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