

Artist. 27 years old. I thought putting three video game companies' names together as a username was a good idea Art Account: @SegoobiArt

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:448

Merry Christmas, everyone1

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Very random thought:

So was Johnny from Sonic Rush Adventure named after Johnny Depp or was it just a coincidence?

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Happy 5th Anniversary, Sonic Mania!

(Originally posted in 2017).

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Klonoa's ending got me like.

12 26

We live in a society.

7 13

I hope no one has done this yet.

3 5

I haven’t played Balan Wonderworld apart from the demo (waiting for the right price before purchasing), but I adore the character design.

Ohshima knocked it out of the park, a shame they couldn’t be a part of a better game.

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Knowing what this line of figures is like I just know that Jinjo figure won’t capture the sheer raw anger as the render it’s based on.

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I haven’t played Balan Wonderworld aside from the demo, but Ohshima brought his A game with his designs for that game. That alone makes me bummed about how the game turned out.

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