

She/her. 27. Aprete botons i se me trenquen les UVs.

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:174

I usually don't paint anything but I bought Rebelle 5 and it's so good. Painting practice with my headcanon of Malevolent Arthur's appearance in S1 as a first contact with the software.

2 10

Crec que mai ho vaig muntar per ací, però esta és la meua ilustració de la zine en la que vaig participar ^^

1 7

Hi, I'm Anna, a 3D Artist looking for her first job in the game industry!

11 14

Hi I'm Anna, a 3D Artist looking for her first job in the game industry!

8 12

Oberon, the Faerie King

3 4

The Hunt Teacup, based on the original concept by Ashsweetart

6 11

Mecha finished! (Based on the original concept by Kameliya Minkova)

9 20