

"The Anime Collector" on YouTube, host of the ( with @Rhys2753 & @fddnm, artist for @StealthWeeb…

フォロー数:799 フォロワー数:397

Weirdly I read that first image's subtitles with rose as a noun instead of a verb. I think you can understand why.

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In the manga and the 1997 anime, Guts takes a crossbow bolt to the hand. In both versions Adon remarks that Guts won't be able to wield his sword so easily with a messed up left hand. In both versions Guts shrugs it off and says things are getting interesting

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I already have a hard time getting into harem shows because the protagonists aren’t exactly desirable. How am I supposed to believe the girls are choosing this twerp when his uncle is freaking Magnum P.I.?

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Then the window crashes open and we see Charlotte, surprised and frightened.

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