

FR & EN - 32
Random drawings

フォロー数:1175 フォロワー数:423

I can't decide whether i should UPBF or sooo... Both ?
French merm'maid, probably a future foe for the survival mode.

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Hell if I know Syl.
All my warmups are cooling me down. Halp.

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Guess i'll be up to date at least once for this thingy :y

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Get out of my head, 17th project.

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It was japan cat day and i had no time :l

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Merry christmas from the Banana Squad !

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Dear please stop getting older every year, I don't have time to draw your babus.
PS : You're awesome, don't die violenty and keep doing neat stuff.

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Tiny tokens for a tiny boardgame made by a friend :v

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Here's the dream team ! :y

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"There's pear people in my lore and you gotta deal with it."

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