

@MangaDexRE PR/Mod || Letterer for cute things at @DfLmanga
pfp by @hnkg_alt

フォロー数:4953 フォロワー数:2424

New release!
A story abut being loved by dangerous stalker girls...
Yamitsuki by Mochi Au Lait & Minoda (MNDH)
Available to read on

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New release!
This one is for you , hope ya like it 😊
A Tale of Being Eaten by a Man-Eating Youkai by
774 (Nanashi)
Available to read on

3 14

I can't stop listening to the Wind Fish's song

1 4

There you can play around with how you want the page to be shown (fit to container, width, height, etc)
If you have to constantly zoom to pages, I recommend setting up page rendering to single page and it shouldn't give you so much trouble anymore.

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I should have gone to sleep hours ago...

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Better safe than sorry, but 'kay~

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Did you maybe try to resize it by manually (or pinching and zoming on mobile)?
Why not giving MangaDex it a try again? You can actually change how the reader shows the page on the cog button that says settings!

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