Sejal Mehtaさんのプロフィール画像

Sejal Mehtaさんのイラストまとめ

Writer: Sci-Comm, Environment, Travel, Books, Fiction | ex Lonely Planet/NatGeo/Nature inFocus. 💜 Cinema. Laughs often & loudly

フォロー数:1273 フォロワー数:3485

Another giant - Zakhuma Don. We'd invited him to speak at NiF. When he was asked why do this difficult job etc etc etc, he was like, um, because I love wildlife, what is this question. :D. I wrote a book on him.

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I see your TL and raise you one watercolour jelly.

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The box fish is a strange-shaped creature. Had i been a fellow fish, I'd find it difficult to take its kissy face seriously. But I'd be wrong. When stressed, it releases poisonous proteins that can cause considerable damage to the fish around it. (1/2)

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Watercolour. New love. Has fish in its name but is not a fish, has stinging nettles that are fairly deadly, and is well, drop dead gorgeous.
It's knocked tigers off my wallpaper for now, a considerable feat, that.

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