

29, Hiatus'd Streamer, Engineer, Game Dev, Funny Beard Man🌟
Yapping about video games, anime, music, and sports.🌟
Okayest Gunbreaker on FFXIV: Luna Naxyr🌟

フォロー数:71 フォロワー数:1278

If you're up for a good hardy laugh, this is $.99 on steam.

0 1

I'm not a vtuber do I still count

0 1

"Where we dropping boys?"

Awesome new Apex inspired art of Luna, from the wonderfully talented
Thank you so much for this piece.

0 16

We're gonna get dumb today

1 21

God has entered the lobby

0 7

Had to get some art to match my personality, so on the throne we go. ;)

Absolutely love this new art from the wonderfully talented , thank you so much for making my girl Luna look so great.

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