

Chill otaku and JRPG/VN content creator
Self taught graphic artist
#FFXIV player

フォロー数:717 フォロワー数:241

Announcing the first let’s play series that’ll be debuting on my YouTube channel next week: Tokyo Xanadu ex+, which is from the same studio that did the Trails of Cold Steel games. Recording starts tomorrow ^_^

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Channel mascot and OC is done. She just needs a name and I’m open to suggestions!

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She’s all done! Meet my mascot and OC, Hikari! Already came up with her backstory so now I have to come up with her personality. Maybe y’all can help with that. What kind of personality should she have? 🤔

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Made a few finishing touches to my OC. Really happy with the way she turned out. I’ll come up with character sheet, backstory, Persona and whatnot tomorrow. As for which Persona world she would fit in, maybe P3? Or P4? 🤔

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Still need to work on a few more details but here is my Persona OC, Kiyomi Sato. Took me a long time to get the art style down 😁

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New profile picture is done and so is my Persona OC. She turned out pretty good and I’m very happy with the results. Meet Kiyomi Sato, the wild card. I’ll come up with a backstory and character profile for her soon👍

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Afternoon fam! Hope you’re having a wonderful day so far. Today we talk about our favorite 90’s anime. My first anime when I was a kid was Sailor Moon and I really liked it. I remember coming home from school to watch it. What were your favorite 90’s anime?

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She’s all done! Lena’s new look and I’m very happy with how she turned out. But she is also my RWBY OC too. A wolf faunus if you will in addition to being my channel mascot. Might do a RWBY inspired theme for the channel 😁

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