

フォロー数:1067 フォロワー数:225

I just wanna try makin one for fun hehe~

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I would probably look like this IRL on the RIGHT (GREEN one) & the LEFT one (RED one) is how I tend to portray myself online. It doesn't look that much different, but I could say that my real-life persona & image is quite contrasting to how I am online.

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The thing that made me more distressed is the part to where that person says:
"So much wasted potential reflected by its existence.."
Like bruh, that statement was a bit to far in my opinion...

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The dude literally blushes at Willow (by just being herself even at the simpliest actions she just did.) & Is willing to protect her no matter the form of circumstances will occur.If anything, I think he deserves all the love & care from his captain cuz he NEEDS & longs for it.

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*SHOWS (while slightly shoving) THESE PICS AT THEIR FACES*

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