

Founded in 2020, Sentinel is a totally independent 64 page comic with a complete story in each issue. Original and awesome!…

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No, Rex! Vikings AND dinosaurs!

Still plenty of time to back VALHALLASAUR, an action packed 64 page comic!

From just £2 this future classic (you never know) can be yours.

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Happy to announce the talented Ian Stopforth will be doing a limited cover for us within the next few issues

Here's his cover for the latest issue of Shift magazine

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Coming at some point from Sentinel - "Wolfriders".

Writer: Alan Holloway
Artist: Jack Parsons

This cover is purely a mock up, using art by Veselin Ivanov. It will NOT be used as a final cover, though it's a great pic.

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Here's the coloured (and a Grayscale) alternate cover for issue eleven: Dark Matter

The cover is by 2000ad legend Patrick Goddard ( ) and we are very grateful to him for his time and talent.

The Kickstarter will launch February

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