

Draws & Models Stuff | 34 | 🔞
I do not do commissions.…

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:226

Okay this is pretty awesome.
Now if only they would fix the issue with goblin earrings floating off certain ear options.
It's been an issue since BfA's remodel.
Come on Blizzard, I'm beggin' ya here.

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Riva'fon & Vine.
This sethrak is obsessed with the grumpy troll.

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Guess I can throw some random art down.

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Yeah you know, I can work with this.

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Look, , I'm not askin' a lot.
I'm just asking you to fix the broken earrings on the goblin models.

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Either my sweet Witherbark boy Zufa'ji,
or my Among Us mix Mo'Kaz

Leaning towards sweet boi but I'll leave it up to you.

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Planned on Four. Made Six.
Here are the Adoptable Wolf Demons.
3 at random will be going up for auction in just a bit.
Just need to find my dice to pick the three..

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Among Us Impostor / World of Warcraft Troll mix.
The concept came to mind one day and I loved it so much he became a full reference sheet.

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