

24, Female, Married. Small Artist. This is my SFW page. NSFW page is @RodgersShontae

フォロー数:58 フォロワー数:61

Raffle win off my NSFW account.

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Not EXACTLY a ref but here's my girl Amber. She's got kinda like blue purple eyes.

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Did a free rough colored sketch for

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How about my noodle demon boy Lazarous

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Finished art piece for a trade off Discord. Character name, Kitten.

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Hey! I'm Amber, this is my SFW account. I draw Furries mainly but I am trying to draw more humans.
I'd tag some friends but it looks like Spyke already tagged all my friends lol.

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My half of an Art trade with someone off Discord. Their character Sakda.

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Anyone want some SFW art? I'll give a 25% discount for the SFW pieces. I need to save up $300.
Dm me, Commission link is my pinned

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If I can get to 50 followers here I'll hold a small head shot raffle!

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