

Daily quotes and excerpts from the greatest series ever WRITTEN. Spoilers for all released material (no leaks). Book quotes only.

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The old gods. They know me. They know my name. I was Theon of House Greyjoy. Ward of Eddard Stark, a friend & brother to his children. “Please.” He fell to his knees. “A sword, that’s all I ask. Let me die as Theon, not as Reek.” Tears trickled down his cheeks, impossibly warm.

59 159

“The best lies contain within them nuggets of truth, enough to give a listener pause.”

-Petyr Baelish

43 103

“I have become oddly fond of my fat little wife. The two before her never made a sound in bed, but this one squeals and shudders. I find that quite endearing. If she pops out sons the way she pops in tarts, the Dreadfort will soon be overrun with Boltons.”

-Roose Bolton

25 100

“For this night …,” Halder trotted in from the left.
“… and all the nights to come,” finished Pyp. He reached over for Jon’s reins. “So here are your choices. Kill me, or come back with me.”
Jon lifted his sword … and lowered it, helpless. “Damn you,” he said. “Damn you all.”

20 86

‘If I look back I am lost.’

-Daenerys Targaryen

64 191

He had pulled her into his lap. “If he wakes we’ll call him a liar, & worse come to worst I’ll kill Ned Stark.”

“And then what do you imagine Robert will do?”

“Let Robert do as he pleases. I’ll go to war with him if I must. The War for Cersei’s Cunt, the singers will call it.”

17 59

“With ax or lance or flail, he was as good as any knight I ever saw, but with the sword he was the Warrior himself. When Prince Daemon had Blackfyre in his hand, there was not a man to equal him . . . not Ulrick Dayne with Dawn, no, nor even the Dragonknight with Dark Sister.”

57 150

The Smith, he labors day and night,
to put the world of men to right.
With hammer, plow, and fire bright,
he builds for little children.

24 70

‘They lit no torches, & they know these woods better than we ever could.’ Then the trees erupted all around them, & the northmen poured in howling. Wolves, Asha thought, they howl like bloody wolves. The war cry of the north. Her ironborn screamed back at them, & the fight began.

49 181

“Woman?” She chuckled. “Is that meant to insult me? I would return the slap, if I took you for a man.” Dany met his stare. “I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the Unburnt, Khaleesi to Drogo’s riders, and queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.”

-Daenerys Targaryen

131 395