

Daily quotes and excerpts from the greatest series ever WRITTEN. Spoilers for all released material (no leaks). Book quotes only.

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“There’s no wine half so sweet as wine taken from a beaten foe.”

-Euron Greyjoy

20 51

“If my aunt wants Meereen, she’s welcome to it. I will claim the Iron Throne by myself."

-(f)Aegon VI

61 120

“Red Rahloo means nothing here. You will only make the old gods angry. They are watching…”

-Big Bucket Wull

22 52

Enough Ned, I'll hear no more. A direwolf is a savage beast…Get her a dog, she’ll be happier for it.

32 84

She dreamt she sat the Iron Throne, high above them all.

-Cersei Lannister

133 251

Salty is a stupid child, she told herself.
I am a wolf, & will not be afraid.

-Arya Stark

79 152

“Ser Pounce caught a mouse,” he told her, “but Lady Whiskers stole it from him.”


31 74

“You cannot hope to rule. You are a woman.”

“Is that why I always lose the pissing contests?”

-Victarion & Asha

62 102

Let Robert do as he pleases. I’ll go to war with him if I must. The War for Cersei’s Cunt, the singers will call it.

48 75

“Perhaps we can fly. All of us… No man ever truly knows what he can do unless he dares to leap.”

-Euron Greyjoy

83 149