

SerAvium® 🐙@Twitch Partner 🐙Horror Variety Streamer 🦋@TeamObscura 🐙Stardew Slut 🏳️‍🌈LGBTQIA+ 🐙Fibromyalgia/PTSD 🐙@GamerAdvantage💜@Critiical Lover/Sub

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I had a lot of fun playing some Stardew Valley with my mods & the other night. I got married to Leah & TearNa got married to Emily!

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Changing over to Unforeseen Incidents, as we finished the other games! Come hang out tonight!

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More RE1 OG today! Hopefully finishing up Jill's campaign tonight! First time playing through the original Resident Evil. On original hardware! Come hang out! Bingo Card artwork by

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Tonight on Stardew with mods, has a penis-face & gets married to Penny! LUL w/

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I enjoy it when puts my inappropriate suggestions to FRUITion. Yes. I'm making out with my pineapple daddy. *winks at * 🐙💜🍍

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Restarting Chasing Static since my brain was so loopy when I started it on Sunday! Come hang out. Let's figure out what's going on in this game. If I finish it fast, we'll swap over to Hidden Shelter! Bingo Card

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Finishing up Lamentum today. Then moving onto Chasing Static and Hiddent Shelter. More Indie Horror this fine Sunday! Come join me! Bingo Card

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Super sick in bed today. Yuck.

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Happy Easter! Playing some indie horror games today! Starting off with Oppcium & continuing with more possible janky horror all day long! Come hang out. BINGO IS BACK with card

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