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Serebii Picture: Alternate artwork of Galarian Ponyta https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT
Serebii Update: Official artwork of Galarian Ponyta, a Psychic-type Pokémon https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT
Serebii Update: Gamestop in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden are now distributing codes for Shiny Solgaleo & Shiny Lunala https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT
Serebii Picture: Official artwork of Sirfetch'd https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT
Serebii Update: First look at first Pokémon Sword & Shield Trading Cards of Sobble, Zacian & Zamazenta https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT
Serebii Picture: Official artwork of Cramorant https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT
Serebii Picture: Official artwork of Polteageist https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT
Serebii Picture: Official artwork for the new rivals Bede and Marnie https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT
Serebii Picture: Official artwork of Obstagoon, the evolved form of Galar Form Linoone https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT
Serebii Picture: Official artwork of Galar Form Linoone https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT