Sunshine Serenaさんのプロフィール画像

Sunshine Serenaさんのイラストまとめ

Hello, my name's Serena Norris. I love MLP, cartoons and anime. My brother also has a Twitter account as you may know.

フォロー数:538 フォロワー数:357

Amy Rose: I'll go next. Before anyone asks "Whatcha Doin?", I'm giving another birthday to , the voice of Isabella Garcia Shapiro, Kairi, Xion, Sam Sharp, Opal, Batgirl and Destructress!
Isabella Garcia Shapiro: Thanks Amy.

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Isabella Garcia-Shapiro: Hey Sonic! Whatcha doin'?
Sonic the Hedgehog: Celebrating Roger Craig Smith's birthday, Isabella.
Phineas Flynn: Funny you should say that, Sonic, because Isabella's voice actress, shares her birthday with him.

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Spike: Happy Twilight Sparkle Day, Twilight! What do you think of my outfit of you?
Twilight Sparkle: Looking good, Spike, and cute too!
Spike: Thanks Twilight, have you decided what you're gonna wear today?
Twilight Sparkle: I have, Spike, look! *appears in her G1 colours*

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Blossom: I prefer us as the PussyPuff Cats more though.
Buttercup: So do I, Blossom, we're even cuter as cats.
Bubbles: And, Tara Strong's first cartoon voice role was a cat, Hello Kitty to be precise!

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Sweetie Belle: I think it's time for another change. *changes into her Merida costume* *Scottish accent* Now I'll be Merida for my party.
Jessie: Yee-haw! Lookin' rootin-tootin', little critter!
Martha: Way to go on the accent too, Merida! *winks*

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Sweetie Belle: Sure girls! What do you think of me as Ariel?
Apple Bloom: You were mighty cute as Rapunzel yesterday, Sweetie, and you're even cuter as Ariel!
Scootaloo: And I like how your toys have joined your party, I wish ours could become real too!

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Flounder: Looking and sounding good, Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie Belle: Thanks Flounder, you big guppy! *giggles*
Marie: May I have the first slice of cake? I AM a lady after all.
Jigglypuff: Oh come on Marie! You know you're too young to be a lady.

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Rarity: Here, let me help you. *lifts Flounder up and puts him in a basin of water*
Flounder: That's better. Thanks Rarity. I want to see Sweetie Belle in Ariel's dress.
Sweetie Belle: Okay Flounder. *changes into her Ariel costume* Ta-da! 🎵Ah ah ahhh! Ah ah ahhh!🎵

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Matthew/Techno Lightning: Hey G5 ponies, I'm Matthew A.K.A Techno Lightning!
Serena/Candy Dancer: And I'm his sister, Serena A.K.A Candy Dancer!

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Serena/Candy Dancer: Nice VA Salute, Draculaura!
Matthew/Techno Lightning: And great idea dressing as Dracula for Mavis, Sweetie Belle.
Barney the Dinosaur: You two look super dee duper as Dracula and Mavis too, Matthew and Serena!
Sweetie Belle: Hey it's Barney!

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