

Estoy a punto de ser estadística.
El socialismo no funciona.
Una vez fui traductor de japones

フォロー数:1307 フォロワー数:1566

The night is complete
I'm off

6 35

A lot of pic of Riko rn 😳
桜内梨子ちゃんお誕生日おはようございます!Epic handsome and irresistible woman. You can ship her with every single LL chara lol. Guapa la roba amigas.
Also Rikako being as handsome as Riko
Thanks for giving it life
梨子 梨(香)子
Names are similar 🤔

12 63

Okay, let´s talk about KA-GA-YA-KI-RA-RI-RA. I would like to talk about music but my english is not enough XD. This song it´s a masterpiece. Easily is one of the best songs in Aqours. How this is produced is amazing, Dia´s Ruby´s Maru´s Mari´s part are incredible.

8 44

It´s the birthday of the besto lider!🥳 Chika is a reason why i love sunshine. That normal girl taught us to never give up and always try new things. Get frustrated it´s ok, but dont doing nothing to change is absoluty wrong. The normal monster did it. I love u Chika Thank sm

8 40