

Aspiring to cover the world in greenery!

フォロー数:1194 フォロワー数:6172

🌷 What's this?! An old friend appears in a Meadow...?! Stacy and I are reunited in Meadow~!! 🌷

💜Come join us!

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Sorting through my fan-art folder to tidy up for today's stream and I'm just... in awe? full of gratitude? I feel like I'm moving through a field of blossoming flowers, to be honest, and I'm so grateful for everyone whose creativity has been sparked by our adventures. 💚🌿💚

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Behold the tongue of a flicker, a type of woodpecker! @

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That was *THE MOST* amazing stream we've EVER had!! Thank you guys so much for joining us on our adventure! What... CHAOS!!

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We will be beginning a new legacy story in Niche tonight - and, if all goes well, live-streaming on Saturday in celebration!! :D

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We have some AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC Subnautica art from that is about to go up on our thumbnails!!! :D :D :D

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HOLY CANOLIS HE HAS DONE IT AGAIN!!! :D :D :D And on a PERFECT day!! Double-surprises now guys - created more masterpieces!!

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finished our AMAZING Story of Seasons thumbnail art AND I AM SO IN LOVE ;o; THIS IS AWESOME!!!!

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Check out this awesome Stardew Valley and Slime Rancher fanart sent to me on Tumblr!! :D :D

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Also I'm so helplessly falling in love with Rowlet <3 I can't wait for our Kukui to have lots of little rowlets of his own!!

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