

Aspiring to cover the world in greenery!

フォロー数:1283 フォロワー数:6317

🌷 What's this?! An old friend appears in a Meadow...?! Stacy and I are reunited in Meadow~!! 🌷

💜Come join us!

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We had a dinner guest tonight!! 😂 I'm so happy to see raccoons in North Carolina too! Everywhere we travel in the world we can find wildlife - be it sneaky raccoons or stubborn dandelions or Taiwans stray roof cats or London's pigeons... The key is k…

0 30

We have a visitor! The usually very shy and reclusive red squirrel! She figured out how to climb up the storm drain and into the window bird feeder and is currently cleaning us out of house and home eating every single one of the seed she can find! We th…

1 25

Chips and I had stopped to listen to the sunset sing-song of a very cheerful cardinal in the forest when a sharp silence settled in the woods. When you start listening to bird song you begin to recognize the times that the song disappear may herald an ev…

0 22

Sorting through my fan-art folder to tidy up for today's stream and I'm just... in awe? full of gratitude? I feel like I'm moving through a field of blossoming flowers, to be honest, and I'm so grateful for everyone whose creativity has been sparked by our adventures. 💚🌿💚

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Behold the tongue of a flicker, a type of woodpecker! @

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Oh my gosh guys our Patreon did it!!! We reached over 100 Patrons and the Mother's Nest Goal!! I'm in tears of joy!!

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That was *THE MOST* amazing stream we've EVER had!! Thank you guys so much for joining us on our adventure! What... CHAOS!!

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We will be beginning a new legacy story in Niche tonight - and, if all goes well, live-streaming on Saturday in celebration!! :D

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