

Just your average Canadian artist.

フォロー数:186 フォロワー数:376

Traitor: "The Traitor of the Void. Deemed by the Architect as a threat to the order of Existence. For it bows for no god, man, nor king. It's large sword carved from the sanguine crystals of Vaaldir, taken after betraying the God of the Void."

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Trilotaze: "Trilotaze, a member of the pseudo-crustaceans, named for their trilobite-like appearance and their taser like tail-prongs. This species is a nomadic-colony species, many smaller males gathering with a "queen" trilotaze."

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Candy-Cane Eel: "Extremely long, blind predators. They are found in almost every ocean on Rudicus. A rare trait for any species, candy-cane eels are both venomous AND poisonous, using curved teeth to deliver deadly neurotoxins, and storing poison in their flesh and skin."

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Absolution: "The Zenith Demon. No one is quite sure where it came from, or how it got here. No one is sure if it is related to the Architect, The Zenith, or to the Void. One thing that is certain is that it must've traveled far to reach here..."

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Scanigunt: "A large, bipedal species composed of fingundei, the bizarre species of mold native to Mantis. Many species can form from this mold depending on their environment, some take on an avian body-plan, others an aquatic one."

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Flatwoods Mimic: "Truly a bizarre species, even for an alien. They get their name for their appearance, which vaguely appears like an infamous cryptid on Earth, the Flatwoods Monster. They can be found floating high above Entigo's harsh surface, using light gas to stay aloft."

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Bellow-Squid: "Powerful ambush predators native to the colder regions of the Eliosian Sea. They compete with Úhor Dúhový for both food and territory. Bellow-Squids are named for their loud bellows, loud enough to kill some prey."

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Jade Prairie-Sickle: "While flying over a large swath of flat, dusty prairie, our drone caught sight of this. Large, almost bird-like predators with a jade colored hide, along with multiple stark-white markings. Their arms end with extremely long, razor sharp blade-like fingers."

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Tekkeitsertok: "The God of the Hunt. An ancient god, born of the spirit of a beast, hunted for 3 years by hunters. Once the beast was found, it took a week to fell it, and once it did, it's skull was taken as a trophy. The spirit ascended, granted divinity by the Architect."

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Scarlet-Strider: "Truly alien creatures native to Rudicus, specifically to the Sanguine Plateau. It is an odd region, mostly colored red and pink. This is caused by a high concentration of a unknown mineral, which has caused the soil, flora, and even fauna to become tinted red."

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