

hiiii :3

フォロー数:235 フォロワー数:55062

Apologies for such low activity
School and personal stuff/conflicts have taken up a lot of my time
Howeverrr I want to open a few comm slots now that I have some time, I'll announce it in a post soon if anyone would be interested
Anyhow, nice day to you if you read this, heh

243 2410

Ramen friend

1950 13324

Wow, I was not expecting such a warm welcome back
I was very nervous returning; just posted it and didn't look back heh
But really; thank you all so much, quite the relief for me <3

I'll be back to posting soon; sharing some cool stuffs and ideas
Take care everyone

65 1160

I don't wanna go to school
And I'm sick... AGAIN >:(

192 1624

With school coming up, I'm unsure how much time I'll have left for arts
But I'm glad to end this summer on a high note, and with somewhat of a bang with all the comms that I did
So I thank everyone again, even for just seeing my work; it means more to me than you might think ;)

4 122

Well, since summers ending; I want to thank everyone for 10k, hadn't even taken the time to do so
Still feel like someone with 100 followers though :P
Also never expected so many people to like my stuffs! I'm eternally grateful for all the kind words and things people said to me

66 1109

Perhaps it is time I switch pfp?
Or should I keep the silly smoking cat

351 3398