

cat herder | painter | occassional nerd content analyst | rogue main | mothman fanclub president | bleeding-heart leftist | unapologetic aries |

フォロー数:689 フォロワー数:2378

Being a transphobic asshole won't turn back time to before u whacked it to her bro ✌️

0 3

I need to see the full designs of these outfits, I'm going bonkers

1 19

What in the name of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band is going on w/ this outfit

0 4

Listen I came from BSD fandom, if u really think Vanitas has bad hair, u don't know how bad it could really be, this is NOTHING

3 48

Is it just me, or do they draw Noe kinda weird in a lot of the promo art, like his eyes look so wide & panicked that he's gonna start blinking in code for someone to call the police

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