

Zack Fair and Zerith Obsessed. I'm moving some artwork from tumblr over here. NSFW posted at times.

フォロー数:6 フォロワー数:311

Aerith melted further into his embrace, listening intently as he wove another masterpiece out of the small white dots in the sky. No, the sky didn't scare her. Nothing could scare her now - not as long as Zack was around…

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Zack and Aerith would adore dressing up for Halloween and go all out for the occasion. Aerith with the braid and flower combo like Rapunzel is too perfect and Zack is Flynn Rider, change my mind.

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Zack sent Aerith selfies with all the different types of flowers he encountered during his missions and no one can convince me otherwise. And of course Sunflowers would be his favorite! 🌻 Accompanying fict on A03

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Because Zack and Aerith would have the best date ever at the Golden Saucer. They're so beautiful and perfect together! ☺️ Companion fanfict posted on A03.

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I’m still reeling from the fact we’re actually getting a Zack plush! 😭😭😭Finally! So happy my boy is getting some much deserved love and merch. 🥰Of course, Aerith needs to give the Zack plush a hug and smooch. ☺️

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Before summer's over, I gotta post some summertime Zerith. 🏖️Being the nauseatingly cute couple they are, they'd both get treats that match each other's eye color. 😆

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Day 6 - Hero/Heroine
Both because Zack and Aerith would be such a badass fighting team. 😭 They'd even have a cute little victory pose. 😝

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Day 5 - Rain/Tears
Zack and Aerith are out on a date when it starts pouring rain and every girl knows water and wedges do not mix but it's no problem when you have a handsome SOLDIER to carry you. ☺️

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Day 3 - Dreams/Wishes
Dreams fits for sleep, but also works as wishes, because in this timeline, Zack returned to fulfill all of Aerith's 23 tiny wishes. Now they got their whole lives to spend together. ♥️

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