

setora.eth | setora.btc | setora.sol |

フォロー数:856 フォロワー数:3847

I still believe has some of the best anime art in the space

6 19

Had to snag an astronaut cause we are heading to the moon!

5 22

Had to scoop this rare background/mouth clean af franky on the floor. Get in while the price is low, the partnership (whitelists) alone will pay it off.

3 13

I remember being in the twitter space with ET and at 6am coming up with the name, supply and price for the pepes. Been holding since mint and I love you guys!
Where my og pepes at?

1 5

How is this not a legendary? Holy shit, amazing art!

0 0

Do all rare drogos get a remake that dont have the eye? This is mine

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