✨Star Guardian✨Sewliaさんのプロフィール画像

✨Star Guardian✨Sewliaさんのイラストまとめ

✨ Hobbyartist | Digital & Watercolor | 🇩🇪 | she/her |
🌿finished drawings & sketches I
🌟Fanart & OCs | League of brainrot
🌿Cosplay Account @sewsewlia

フォロー数:132 フォロワー数:440

I played mostly Renata over the last season, Kled kinda happend since I got him all the time in Aram but at least I am now kinda decent with him https://t.co/1WlftuBQA3

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Dont have that much time to draw atm, but I managed a small kled sketch
(It's for a cosplay idea, so excuse the human look)

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The only time I recall the mentioning of the other group before the christmas thing is in the WR comic "Hope", while Xayahs group fight the monsters

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Fiddle and Zoe best friends pose

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Sketching the bebe to get back my drawing energy

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Just the boy, on a throne cause he deserves it

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