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Been enjoying my warm up sketches too much. Currently study beefy male anatomy, animals and digital marker rendering so tried to combine them all in one cos why not! :D

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Had an impromptu lunch char design jam with the peeps over in the hangouts. The topic was armament pearls but didnt quite get it and got this instead XD. Was experimenting with the traditional copic palette in digital! Its actually quite a nice way to ge…

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- Stormwind-

Edited this piece a little which originally was animated in after effects to make it into a still image. Wanted to try werble but its only on ios :(. Much sad! After effects has so much possibilities though!. Hopefully will be able to dabbl…

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Was inspired by quick full paintings done by friends. I generally do alot more sketches and b/w images than full paintings so I wanted to try to see how fast I could work on one without overpainting. One thing I learnt is to get the full sketch out first…

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Another inktober cleaned up. Heavily inspired by amano. The b/w mood is very strong right now. Digital inking seems to hurt my hand really quickly tho. Tips anyone?

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Day 6
Not everyday turns out well but wanted to experiment with ink washes. The ink bled everywhere on…

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