Shade Meadows (currently sick)さんのプロフィール画像

Shade Meadows (currently sick)さんのイラストまとめ

For hire:

•Play/Bug testing
•Concept art
•Shirt design
•Art commissions
•Translations (Brazilian Portuguese)

On the Hibernaculum team! ☢

フォロー数:4559 フォロワー数:1589

Lately for me... Alex Ries! (has a twitter but i don't wanna bother 'im " @ alexriesart " )

His alien designs are just too good 'n believable for me!
but it's not only that... though he does not do 'em as much, 'is MACHINES ARE AMAZIN'.

have tons saved for reference!

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Oh Dang!!


Do keep us Updated!

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First, CONGRATS!~🎉

Second, if i would pick a creation of mine...
either the Seer or Narkarak: (either is a-oki)

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Based on this here image,
i just love... whatever the heck this is!

I tried lotsa Fanart before
(i think i posted one a looong time ago)
but i always discarded 'cause i didn't feel good 'bout 'em...
it's weird, some stuff i like comes easier to me than others~

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Hey, Necro!!~

Gonna post some of my original Cuties!
Always great to see these, but i do believe i'll have already followed most of the ones postin' here~ 😉

Love ya ALL~ 🖤

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