I'm a Brony, I'm a Youtuber, I may be a little insane
I like to play music, I like to play games, and sometimes i may just try to mess with your brain
I've got the game recording device setup i'm just testing it
The microphone stand will take a bit more time though because once i bend it down to position i need it to be it straightens back up and i have to figure out how to make it stay #brony#Twitch#Youtube
Spent time cleaning up my room today so that i have space to actually do situps and pushups also got rid of some stuff that was taking up space that i dont use
oh and my room is more organised after a week of cleanin g so ill be able to setup my microphone #brony#Youtube#Twitch
Phew they got it working now i can continue watching videos since i've got nothing better to do right now
Just don't ask me what i watch it's secret #Youtube@Youtube