

Yooo, I'm ShadowScarKnight from dA and Tumblr! Just a dorky guy in stupidly designed armor looking to have fun.
*Mario Brainrot
*Comms closed
*Art Trades maybe?…

フォロー数:2217 フォロワー数:21361

Felt like designing a few more Mario OC's for the hell of it since I need more--
Krush Pin Koopa, a big bumbling yet brutish brawly doofus
and Posey, a spunky gardener who grows plant-based power-ups and even breeds plant monsters for adoption! A fun star rabbit

42 196

Dammit Timi you're plenty flexible, you don't need to cheat, let alone with your subjects
also sorry this meme is just too dang fun-

46 244

Got several folks asking if I could provide Dead Yamcha pose Vegeta without all the effects.
And so I provide.
Have fun y'all!

26 199

The vicious cycle of disappointment continued, in a nutshell. u_u

64 336

Did the again, this time with some of my Pokemon ladies!
May do one more from another fandom, but for now, have these.

71 425

Hooo a bit late on that sorry FFXIV has been holding my attention for the past couple of months.
Drew some of my girls in this, as well as to shake off some artblock rust. Feels nice to draw again.

51 296

this one Pikachu screenshot was too good to resist, I HAD to give that face to Levi

63 357

Toddbot dun dropped a truth bomb about Levi. Poor gal. Does she deserve it? :(

89 386

Commission for LeonAstreal featuring their fused Majin, with a slightly bluer alt added in. Feels nice drawing more Majins

69 455