

Yooo, I'm ShadowScarKnight from dA and Tumblr! Just a dorky guy in stupidly designed armor looking to have fun.
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Another OC I forgot to post!
Armando's Anti Guy + Greaper cousin Diego, and his genderbent AU self Dolores. I unironically love edgy OCs and I had to fill that quota here-

68 377

Saw this meme and had to use it with one of my own OCs. Fascimi being the real Italian she is vuv

83 566

Little B-day pic for my buddy ! Wish 'em a good one ya guys!

66 387

I need at least one Snifit gal. So have a tour guide named Hailey!

173 1453

Oh, have I not shared her before?
This is Matcha. Nena's friend, coworker and roommate. Very lax, chill and supportive Tail Boo pal.

111 604

Just some doodles of Nena and Mine, while going in a little deeper over how the latter's 'hair' works.

130 845

Nah if you compare it to the original one there are a few things off. XD I actually had to make prerendered assets to layer and tile things together to make it look good while saving time + sparing my old PC's aging RAM. It's a fun technique, you should give it a go sometime.

1 11

Super Mario Bros Wonder but the cast seems different, hmmm-

310 2372

okay so what about... a Bob-Omb ninja lady?
Her name's Mine.

320 1974

okay hear me out-
Blue Brawler Podoboo lady. Her name's Vahni.

125 760