

Just your friendly neighborhood modder.

フォロー数:343 フォロワー数:627

Behold, the rarely unfurled Falgurbon. Yeah, not gonna lie, I never saw the model like this before today. Very different. Despite the ingame mollusk look, it actually seems to be known by "Ape" and "chimpan" internally. Quite the strange monkey.

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Fun fact, the PSO2 Mikda enemies have small little beaks and tiny little eyes. While the glowing parts initially appear to be the eyes, a look at the rare form implies that perhaps the eyes are the small circular areas towards the end of the mouth.

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When will Amicitia support the Genesis version?

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The wonders of animation importing.

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Of further note is there are some blob variants in these same pods that somewhat resemble the Black Arms slime around the levels. The texture is a bit different, and the color is tinted like the shadow heads, likely from the glass and fluid, but there's a clear similarity. (2/2)

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Originally found by , but apparently in Shadow the Hedgehog in the cutscene where the young GUN commander sees Gerald's lab, there are failed Shadows in some pods. In the final game, these are covered by bloom and nearly indiscernable, but retain textures. ( 1/2)

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