

Shadow|27|Trans|He/They ✡ A tired Artist. Currently hyperfixated on my friends & I's ocs, SFW w/ some blood. 💖 @narwq2 .

フォロー数:482 フォロワー数:589

Third place raffle winner , girls aren't my specialty so I rly hope you like it dude <:0! & now I'm finally done with the raffle drawings uou=3

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First place raffle winner ! Hope you like it!!
Now on to the next one ''uou=3

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(pls consider retweeting)

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100 Follower Art raffle!! In appreciation to getting 100 followers I wanna do a free art raffle, there will be 3 winners randomly chosen! Again Thank you so much for followin yall! ;o; 💖
-must be following
-comment w/ ur oc (optional)
Ends March 1st⭐️

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here's also some headshots, & pre sketches that came before spriting the the characters. Vinny is still my fav tbh,,

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tfw I tried making a game in 2018 but found out its a lot fuckin harder than it looks & gave up, here's some of the spriting though :p

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