

Blue timid goblin, tea maker, shaman of cursed swamp, and friend to all who are friendly to her. #DnD #FantasyRP #MVRP
#OpemDms (DM the word tomato)

フォロー数:420 フォロワー数:560
# openrp

*it was late at night I'm the Café. It had been a slow one so shrew had just caught up on all her cleaning for the night all she had to do was wait for a customer*

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A new Cafe has just opened up, with the sign above reads the Druids Grove Cafe. As you enter there's an assortment of smells from baked good to fresh coffee and tea. Inside there's an abundance of every race you can imagine as a blue goblin serves coffee.
"Can I help you~"

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"You're um.....You're really sweet and beautiful Esther...."

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Shrew has modern look btw, a couple people already knew but the difference between modern and fantasy shrew is that modern is very happy and runs a Café called Frost Haven.

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Shy Frost goblin

(With maid )

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"How do I look?"

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The goblins are mine to control~

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