

24 | I love Nintendo and Pro Wrestling. I also edit videos. 64DS modder (creator of Journey Lane).

#JOYCONBOYZFOREVER 🖤🦋 #BrayWyattForever ⭕…

フォロー数:996 フォロワー数:338

I love the characters, the Mario and Luigi/character interactions, the battle system + bros. moves and music in the M&L series. It all has so much charm and and creative gameplay. I always preferred the style of these games compared to Paper Mario. I miss this series so much. 🥹

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OH MAN this one too... don't even get me started on this shit

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Yooo 👀? Interesting render choice for Kane...

Having 2003 Kane in game would be so bad ass 🔥🔥🔥

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