Happy 2021! 🎉 To celebrate, we've whipped up a heavenly high heap of hotcakes. SYRUPtitiously, there are 21 pancakes in this Shapegram's picture! #googleclassroom #GSuiteEDU
A new Shapegram is hot off the griddle! It's a ridiculously tall stack of pancakes with a bottle of maple syrup and a fork. #Shapegrams #GoogleEdu #arted
I'm not blowing smoke. It's true! The new Steam Locomotive Shapegram is FREE—no membership required. #GoogleEdu #GoogleClassroom
🚂 Picture to recreate
👨🏫 Instructional video
📄 Posters
💥 Side activity
🔳 QR code cards
A new Shapegram has arrived! It's a steam locomotive. #Shapegrams #GoogleDrawings #GoogleClassroom
After drawing the fireplace in #Shapegrams 15, you should look back to see how FIRE your digital drawing skills have come! #GoogleEdu #gSuiteEdu
HOUSE your drawing skills? We've got four #Shapegrams that feature house pictures, each at a different difficulty level. #googleclassroom #makered
In a fire, the hottest flames are near the logs and are yellow. Red flames are not as hot as yellow. In between are orange flames. #ISTE20 #googleedu
Learn to draw flames and a brick fireplace in #Shapegrams 15. https://t.co/zx1ekE2naF
A fully grown caterpillar can be over 100 times larger than when it emerged from its egg! #edutwitter #remotelearning #iste20
Learn to draw a butterfly life cycle diagram in Shapegrams 14.
It's quite an accomplishMINT to draw a gingerbread house with two point perspective! Tony shows you how in the newest Shapegram. #GoogleClassroom #GoogleEdu #GoogleDrawings