

Husband, Air Force Veteran, Gamer/Comic nerd/opinion giver. Autism Parent. A MaaD Wolf 🐺

フォロー数:1039 フォロワー数:1930

Action Comics destroyed Two narratives this week.
1. Clark has no hands without his Powers.
2. Action/Superman comics are “boring”.

At this point people are choosing ignorance,over reading some of the best Hero comics in YEARS, and that’s sounds miserable AF! fantastic issue.

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What’s goodie big dog

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Y’all gon put some respect on The Wight Witch And for this beautiful Batman Urban Legends variant dropping next month. 🔥

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with a BANGERRRR🔥🔥..well again lol. Not surprised given the talent behind this book, but WHAT a start. This will gather many reader’s attention QUICK.

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This the one Mack fans this the ONE

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literally THROWS you into this non-Stop Nightmare.Refusing to Hold your hand. This is the type Bloody, fun I’ve been waiting on.🔥 unsurprisingly has another hit.

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