

Husband, Air Force Veteran, Gamer/Comic nerd/opinion giver. Autism Parent. A MaaD Wolf 🐺

フォロー数:1046 フォロワー数:1932

21 December i Ordered this from beautiful comic inside and out,detailing a very grim dystopian future world, that sees two brothers determined to find a better life. I highly recommend the read.

2 12

Next big Horror book? Undoubtedly so. Loving the premise, mood, extremely eerie art, and pacing so far.

1 13

Preordered me some HEAT LTD to 250.
Maniac of New York

1 15

This may be my Favorite “Hero” comic out to no surprise it’s . This book hits a lot deeper than most would suspect. I just want Penultiman to be happy! Lol

4 7

This is going to be one of those Charming tales that will get you all choked up, and Surprise you unexpectedly. To No surprise it’s more/different Mastery from more HEAT

2 4

Here’s what have done
✅ Gave us the best Black label title
✅ Gave us the best new take on The joker and Harley
✅ Given us some of the best detective story telling in ages.
I don’t know how everyone isn’t reading this.

1 9

It’s literally like watching some of my favorite anime Gloriously bloody, art and pungent story telling makes a great samurai book

4 10

Best chapter without a DOUBT art, story/world development were a Treat to read. 🔥this brutal just keeps getting deeper.

1 5

The emotional Spiral Penultiman puts himself through everyday despite being this near perfect and immensely powerful being hits very close to home. Once again NEVER MISSES. Moved to 3rd place on my top 10 on-goings list.

3 10