

Artist- Fluff #FFXIV on Behemoth Merch: paw-to-press.com/vendor/shariea/ and redbubble.com/people/Sharflu… - and
Patreon: patreon.com/Shariea

フォロー数:1355 フォロワー数:3577

Like??? Amazing. Love it 10/10 Gimme. Just this could have been my OC version of shar like 15years ago Not even kiddin. LOL

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An update from one of the night themed YCH's Glowing sealife still to be added. Need to sit on the background for a bit, been staring at it too long. :P

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*Hyperventilating at the end of tonight's episode*

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I should get off Twitter and actually do something. Buy bed is warm. Don't care that it's 2pm buuuuuh

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convinced my sister to start an art twitter of sorts. bwhahaha

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In light of looming bills, if you like what I do and would like to support me Please consider leaving a Tip at my Ko-fi https://t.co/jCyqL6yFFz Once we reach the goal I will also be working on a daki of one of my characters. RT's are <3

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Because it seems to have been deleted, I capped my comment I left on your YT Hopefully with this the saga can end.

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⭐️✨🌟Black light/KDA/Rave Icons 🌟✨⭐️
Opening for a limited number of Icons, 50.00 each. If interested please fill out this form here:

Rt's are love!

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Another tentative question. Wynn Daki fund drive?

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