

Wade Hale. 27/Some idiot mechanic on http://Twitter dot com. Do not use my shark for rp. Minors don't follow me. @___CHOMPS___ is love

フォロー数:364 フォロワー数:1053

That's right it's Lil Sushi Sunday, fuckers.

Give it up for
All of this done by

15 113

In the new world, the fifth fleet is sent to- okay so the fifth fleet is the next wave of hunters sent by the research commissi- okay so the research commission is dedicated to the studying of monsters and preserving the ecosystem in the new w-

11 58

Sorry what was that, I can't hear you over my aesthetic

0 1

Fuck it, I'm in.
I'm 23, a dedicated mechanic and your local Gravy impersonator. I'll rebuild your engine for a pack of smokes, a six pack of Yuengling, and a day on your boat if you got one.

0 19

In case y'all have forgotten about Beyond Good & Evil 2, there's gonna be shark hybrids available for character customization.

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Kinda fitting in all honesty. Bug gf

0 6

Smite guides on steam give me life.
So does polynomicon Cabrakan.
Don't forget your soul gem.

0 1

Easily my favorites of the guy

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