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Server Halloween Event Day 4 Art!
Dresi carving a pumpkin!
#fantroll #fantrolls #homestuck #hiveswap #haphazard #dresifeirls #villonmontag
Server Halloween Event Day 1 Art!
Dresi as Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
#fantroll #fantrolls #homestuck #hiveswap #dresifeirls #villonmontag
Beatty Matsya and Curly, the Pescambulant
#fantroll #fantrolls #homestuck #hiveswap #haphazard #beattymatsya
Crocus Lobebe Extras
#fantroll #fantrolls #homestuck #hiveswap #haphazard #crocuslobebe
Crocus Lobebe
#fantroll #fantrolls #homestuck #hiveswap #haphazard #crocuslobebe
Aylite Frityy and Fritz, the Felutrine
#fantroll #fantrolls #homestuck #hiveswap #haphazard #aylitefritty
Atlans Franum and Snuffles, the Star-Nosed Dynastes
#fantroll #fantrolls #homestuck #hiveswap #haphazard #atlansfranum
Anglum Datura and Nuggie, the Verminoxious Scarabeetle
#fantroll #fantrolls #homestuck #hiveswap #haphazard #anglumdatura
Acrach Dapkva and Woobat, the Pseudochiropteran Phascolovine
#fantroll #fantrolls #homestuck #hiveswap #haphazard #acrachdapkva